Qlik Sense Cloud Release Note – September 2022


Qlik Cloud September 2022 release note


September was an important month for Qlik Cloud with six releases bringing mainly UX improvement features, but also new connectors, and additions to the Qlik Sense Mobile SaaS.

This month comes with a very few functionalities for developers, as it is more focused on user experience, multiples additions and tweaks to the interface allow more efficiency in reading and analyzing tasks. Moreover, we can see improvement of the accessibility, with more option to configure your alerts and notifications, better organization of the interface and new features, such as the favorites in hub, aiming toward a seamless experience for end-users.

💖 : Our favorites

User Experience in-App

Navigation Button : Developers can now connect applications thanks to a new navigation button. If your share fields or value with the target app, you can specify the app and the sheet ID, and the selection will be applied to the target.
Font styling with map charts : App developers can now style the font used for titles, subtitles, and footnotes in map charts, giving them more options for customizing their visualizations.
💖 You can now identify directions in the data of your time series dataset thanks to news functions : Trend and seasonality. A third function allow you to identify the non-relevant residuals (noise).

Most of the time this feature will allow a developers to display more accurate analysis on the data, for example : showing at a customer the recent trends and / or seasonality in his annual sales.

You can now modify properties of time series using the visual exploration menu.

Example of visual exploration when changing time series forecasting

Dynamic titles are now supported when importing and exporting charts reports.
💖 New Inner and Outer set expressions in “Set Analysis”.

  • You can now use set expressions to tweak the base master measure, for example {<Year={2021}>} [Master Measure].

Really useful feature that should help developers making less mistake and saving time while creating their request formula. Where before they had to change the value everywhere they put the variable, now the master value is at the beginning and is applied to the following elements. It also enhance the readability of the formulas.


User Experience out-App

Insight Advisor can now use Polish, German, Swedish, and Dutch for natural language questions and answers with Search.
Four new sections in the context menu, “rename”, “reload now”, “reload schedule” and “notifications”. Improving usability and efficiency.
New look for the notifications pane, improving user experience with the addition of expandable sections, allowing you to manage how many notifications you want to display.
Favorites section is now independent from “Collections”, allowing you to switch more quickly between your favorites.

Capture illustrative de la nouvelles section des favoris dans Qlik Cloud

💖 The Lineage and the Impact Analysis features are now visible and usable for all users:

  • Lineage shows you a detailed visual representation of the history of a field or dataset, back through the applications and interim datasets to its original source.
  • Impact analysis shows a downstream view of a data element’s dependencies – which databases, apps, files or links

This functionality is helpful while debugging, for developers AND for end-users, but also when it comes to knowing the potential impacts of a single change in values or field value. Overall it allow developers to gain time in their regular repetitive tasks.

💖 New button in “Reload history” to cancel an app reload process. This button will come in handy for designer who needs to kill a reloading task quickly while he just launched it, enabling him to avoid full reloads for small changes or correct eventual endless loops.
Cloud hub interface now has “alerts” and “subscriptions” sections in the left navigation pane.
Notification for Application Automation : You can now get notified when an application automation fails to run.



New Qlik AutoML connector allowing you to load data from the integrated Qlik AutoML platform into Qlik Cloud.
Databricks combines the best of data warehouses and data lakes into a lakehouse architecture. Use the new connector blocks to run Databricks pipelines as part of your analytical data workflow.
Update to MongoDB connector : The MongoDB connector in Qlik Cloud has been improved with new security features. You can now use SCRAM-SHA-256 and LDAP authentication options when defining your MongoDB connection.



New template : The new API key alerting template sends an email alert to API key owners with a list of API keys that are about to expire or have been revoked.


Qlik Sense Mobile SaaS

Multiple additions :

  • 💖 Better adaptation to a variety of screen sizes, supporting landscape display. Really important to make users accept the mobile version.
  • The Qlik Sense Mobile SaaS on IOS in now available for product that use M1 chip.
  • Better management of style, performances, and memory consumption of KPI in applications.
  • Simplified set up process of the app on both Android and IOS.




The mobile version of Qlik Cloud is also on its way for a better accessibility, especially for professional users than can only consult app from their phone. Optimization on mobile devices and adaptation to new technologies such as the M1 chip is crucial for Qlik if they want to attract their users on the mobile version. As it is not the most appropriate device to work with Qlik applications, they need to tweak and refine their mobile apps, especially the responsive interface, to help users to gain time and not lose some.

As always, this update comes with a few new connectors and documentation. The Databricks connector, for example, will allow you to connect to a LakeHouse, combination of a data warehouse and a data lake, new concept handled by DataBricks, a cloud-based, collaborative data science, data engineering, and data analytics platform. The documentation is very well illustrated and should be accessible to all new users.

October is not left out since news updates have already been released, but we will talk about it next month. For the moment, we suggest you read our last articles :


Consultante Qlik Laetitialaetitia.larchanche@weqan.be
Laetitia, Sales & Marketing manager