Insurances: all the opportunities to reduce your compliance problems


Increase profitability through evidence-based decisions

Insurers and brokers traditionally brew in their information systems large volumes of data, access to which is very often complex and partitioned. Because of this limited access to their data, decision makers are often forced to make decisions based on their instinct or intuition, potentially creating compliance issues and missed opportunities.

By using Qlik’s powerful data analytics engine, insurance companies and brokers can improve customer insight, optimize prospecting, sales and loyalty activities, and provide better service to policyholders through an analysis. and pro-active monitoring of their claims.

Qlik Nprinting meeting

Mass processing of customer data, visualization and data analysis for insurance

« We did not find another Qlik provider with such an understanding of the insurance world and this business vision. WeQan consultants have both the knowledge, the vision and the desire to participate of changing the world of insurance.  »

– Xavier de Launois, Chief Risk Officer, DAS

Discover the DAS success story


Are you active in the insurance sector ?

In recent years, with the arrival of new data technologies, this sector is changing and the digital transformation – we speak of digitization – has become a major topic for all insurance companies and brokers.

When we talk about these new technologies, whether Big Data, Internet of Things (or IOT), Artificial Intelligence, Machine Learning or Blockchain, data is always the central topic: how acquire it, analyze it, store it, use it.

As insurance companies or as brokers, you brew large amounts of data, the access of which is very often complex and partitioned.

Because of this limited access to your data, decision makers are often forced to make their decision based on their instincts and intuitions, potentially creating compliance issues and missed opportunities.

With Qlik Sense, insurance companies and brokers can leverage the power of these new data technologies to improve customer insights, optimize prospecting, sales and customer loyalty, and provide better service to policyholders , thanks to pro-active analysis and monitoring of their claims.

Do you also want to seize these new opportunities?


Jean-Marc Toussaint, CEO WeQan

In charge of the Insurance sector


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