Predictive analytics for everyone !

WeQan broadens its activities by adding a new dedicated data science team with an expertise in AI and machine learning.

By combining Business Intelligence with Augmented Intelligence, WeQan now provides an integrated offer.
We not only help you to collect, describe and analyze your data, but also to use predictive analytics to prescribe which actions must be taken to optimize your business.

All that integrated into Qlik!

Discover how machine learning and AI can be used within Qlik – to help every business user make better decisions .
Using your historical data, enriched with relevant open data, our expertise opens the door to many exciting projects, such as :


  • Prospect scoring : find the most attractive prospects for your business to maximize the efficiency of your sales team.
  • Predictive maintenance : predict how and when machine and equipment breakdowns occur to optimize their performance and increase their longevity.
  • Credit scoring : evaluate the creditworthiness of your customers in an instantaneous and reliable way.
  • Process automation, Fraud detection, Payment default risk, Customer segmentation, Cross-selling and up-selling, churn analysis, Forecasting of financial variables, …


9H00-9H30 : Breakfast
9H30-10H00 :  From BI to IA, the positioning of Qlik
10H00-10H30 : Concept introduction : Intelligence Artificiel,
Machine Learning, R, Python
10H30-10H45 : Break
10H45-11H30 : IA Use Cases
12H00 : Q&A


Laetitia Larchancé

Votre contact de référence pour cet événement :

Laetitia Larchanché
Sales & Marketing Manager

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    WeQan SPRL

    Avenue Reine Astrid 92,
    1310 La Hulpe

    +32 (0) 2 629 60 08
    Lun-Ven 9h00-17h00

    By car: Trois Colonnes Exit
    By train : La Hulpe station