The different Microsoft Power BI licenses


What are the different licenses for Microsoft Power BI ?

Comment ça marche?


Licensing with Microsoft Power Bi is easy as there is only a few licenses possible, a « starting » license and a license with more advanced functionality that exist either per user or per allocated capacity.

License Power BI Pro:

It is a license per user per month which is include in Microsoft 365 ES that you can also buy directly for 8.40€/user/month.

License Power BI Premium per utilisateur:

It is also a license per user per month but the package includes more features not available in the pro

License Power BI Premium per capacité:

This license functionalities are the identical to the Power BI Premium per user one but the only difference is that you won’t get charged per user but instead per used capacities. This formula is to be preferred if you are working for a large company. The starting price is 4212.30€ per month for this license type.


The differences of functionalities in details:

Collaboration and analytics


Power BI Pro Power BI Premium Power BI Premium
Par user Par capacity
Collaboration and analytics
Mobile app access o o o
Publish reports to share and collaborate o o
Paginated (RDL) reports o o
Consume content without a per-user licence o
On-premises reporting with Power BI Report Server o


Data prep, modelling and visualisation


Power BI Pro Power BI Premium Power BI Premium
Per user Per capacity
Prepare, design and visualise the data
Model size limit 1 Go 100 Go 400 Go
Refresh rate 8/day 48/day 48/day
Connect to more than 100 data sources o o o
Create reports and visualisations with Power BI Desktop o o o
Embed APIs and controls o o o
AI visuals o o o
Advance AI (text analysis, image detection, automated Machine Learning) o o
XMLA endpoint read/write connectivity o o
Dataflows (direct query, linked and computed entities, enhanced compute engine) o o


Governance and administration


Power BI Pro Power BI Premium Power BI Premium
Per user Per capacity
Governance and administration
Data security and encryption o o o
Metrics for content creation, consumption and publishing o o o
Application lifecycle management o o
Multi-geo deployment management o
Bring Your Own Key (BYOK) o
Autoscale add-on avialability o
Maximum storage 10 GB/user 100 TB 100 TB


Usefull links : 

All of the information above are coming of this article:

Our last articles : 


For more information about Power BI licenses, contact us !

WeQan integrate licenses Power BI but do not sell them.

Consultante Qlik
Laetitia, Sales & Marketing manager