AI Brainstorming session

In this session, you will discover what opportunities are being created in your organization through AI. Our trainers will explain what are the typical use cases in your industry. The goal of this training is to define together the most appropriate strategy to seize the opportunities offered by this technology.

  • Using an exclusive framework, our instructor will guide you in a brainstorming session that will allow you to better understand where, in your organization, AI can have the greatest impact :
  • Prerequisite : No special skills are required.
  • Audience : Anyone who intends to improve their company/department’s strategy with the help of AI.
  • To go further : Other, more technical trainings are also organized.

We also organize sessions in your company, in your offices, in French or in English. Other group sessions can be scheduled upon request.

Laetitia Larchancé

Votre contact de référence pour cet événement :

Laetitia Larchanché
Sales & Marketing Manager

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    WeQan SPRL

    Avenue Reine Astrid 92,
    1310 La Hulpe

    +32 (0) 2 629 60 08
    Lun-Ven 9h00-17h00

    By car: Trois Colonnes Exit
    By train : La Hulpe station